The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I was gainfully employed with Corning-Asahi Video until April, 2003.... Due to the fact that I have aged parents who need my assistance, and some other considerations, relocation was not an option. The economic melt-down of last October has meant that many have lost their jobs... For my co-workers and myself, we have lived a similar nightmare for almost six years.... A recent survey of persons who lost their jobs at our factory has shown that a little more than ten-percent of the employees who lost their jobs in 2003 have equaled or exceeded their income level of 2003.... I pray for other Penn State alums who face similar job loss stress, or are nearing retirement, and have seen their 401k or other retirement plans halved by the economic downturn of the past October...... (My 401k is down fifty-one percent.) I'm 45, so I know my 401k will rebound...... That's the status of this Penn State grad..... For all of you who are facing tough times..... Good luck to you and have faith....